Custom Keybinding


As a rich-interactive IDE, a favourable keybinding design can largely free users from relying on interface operations and improve the work/operation efficiency. Apart from supporting extensions registration by extensions under the OpenSumi framework, it also supports to register expansion by modules. This section focuses on how to preset more keybindings for your application in the integration phase.

Keybinding Registration

In the module, we usually employ KeybindingContribution approach to register,which are detailed in Keybinding Registration.

Favorable keybinding Characters

The following modifiers are supported under specific platforms:

macOSCtrl+, Shift+, Alt+, Cmd+
WindowsCtrl+, Shift+, Alt+, Win+
LinuxCtrl+, Shift+, Alt+, Meta+

Meanwhile, you can use ctrlcmd as a modifier in keybinding registration. This modifier will be identified as Cmd in macOS and Ctrl in Linux and Windows.

Some of the remaining supported key values are as follows:

  • f1-f19, a-z, 0-9
  • ,-,=,[, ],`, ;, ,,,.,/`
  • left, up, right, down, pageup, pagedown, end, home
  • tab, enter, escape, space, backspace, delete
  • pausebreak, capslock, insert
  • numpad0-numpad9, numpad_multiply, numpad_add, numpad_separator
  • numpad_subtract, numpad_decimal, numpad_divide

Control the Effective Scope by "when"

In general, when we register a keybinding, we only expect the keybinding to take effect in a specific area. Generally we recommend using the when logic for control. There are partial when expressions defined in the OpenSumi framework, and in most cases you can use them directly, see contextkey/index.ts.

You only need to add the when field when registering a keybinding, so that the keybinding will only be responded when when is in effect, which can effectively avoid keybinding conflicts in your IDE, as follows:

  command: 'type',
  keybinding: 'enter',
  when: 'editorTextFocus'

You can also customize or register when expressions, as described in the simple example: dialog.contextkey.ts .

From then on, you can customize the function keybindings by integrating customized modules.