How To Contribute

Generally speaking, you have many ways to help develop OpenSumi code, for example, find a bug, write it down and submit a PR (Pull Requests), or simply give a piece of advice on a feature.

For issue marked with PR Welcome, it is best to submit your first PR when you have any questions in the process. You can always consult any project member in the comment area by using "@" any project member.

Prepare Development Environment

The system tool installation method here refers to How-to-Contribute document of VS Code for translation, and you can directly view the document.

Before developing the code, you need to install some necessary development tools, clone our project code opensumi/core, and install dependencies through yarn.

You may need the following development tools:

  • Git
  • Node.JS, version number >= 12.x, <= 14.x
  • Python (pre-dependency of node-gyp library; view node-gyp readme and find a suitable version currently supported)
    • Note: Windows users install Python automatically when installing the npm module of windows-build-tools. It can be quickly installed in this way as follows:
  • A C/C++ compilation tool suitable for your system:
    • macOS
      • To install Xcode and its command line tools will automatically install gcc, the installation process relies on the make tool chain
        • Run xcode-select --install to install command line tools
    • Windows 10/11
      • Install Windows Build Tools:
        • If you install it by the Node installer provided by Node.JS and make sure you install the native module tools, the environment will be able to be used normally.
        • If you manage scripts by Node version, for example, nvm or nvs
      • Note: Make sure that your local PATH only contains ASCII characters, otherwise it may cause node-gyp usage problems (nodejs/node-gyp/ issues#297), and currently it does not support the project construction and debugging in earlier Windows version.

Build and Run

If you want to learn how to run OpenSumi or debug an issue, you need to get the code locally, build it and run it.

Obtain the Code

In the first step, you need to fork a copy of the OpenSumi repository, and then clone it locally:

git clone<<<your-github-account>>>/core.git

Usually you need to synchronize the latest branch code in advance before modifying or submitting the code.

cd core
git checkout main
git pull main

After handling the code conflicts, you can submit the code to your repository, and go to opensumi/core to submit your PR at any time.

Note: The default opensumi/core also contains a lot of GitHub Actions. If you don't want to execute these Actions, you can go to<<Your Username>>/core/settings/actions to close the corresponding Actions.


cd core
yarn run init


After the initialization is complete, you can run the Web version directly by using the following command, and enable Hot Reload at the same time. All modifications except the extension process can be seen in the Web in real time.

yarn start

By default, the framework will display the tools/workspace directory under the project as the workspace directory. You can also open OpenSumi by specifying the path with MY_WORKSPACE=, as shown below:

MY_WORKSPACE={workspace_path} npm start



There are multiple processes when OpenSumi is running. You need to determine the specific process you want to debug before you can debug them accordingly.

Browser process

As for the Browser process, you can debug directly through Chrome Developer Tools (recommended), or install [Debugger for Chrome](https: // to debug the breakpoint of the Browser process, as the picture shows:

Browser process

Node process

As for the Node process, after you run the framework through npm start, you can make a breakpoint debugging of the Node process by using VSCode or Attach to BackEnd in the IDE debug panel based on OpenSumi.

Node process

In addition, you can also use the Launch Backend and Launch Frontend in the debug panel to start the Node process and Browser process respectively for debugging.

Extension Process

As for the extension process, you can use VSCode or the Attach to Extension Host method in the debugging panel built on OpenSumi to debug the extension process. When it doesn't work sometimes, you can directly open chrome://inspect panel to debug the code(easy to use). You can start to debug it after the framework is running by filling in localhost:9889 in the discovery port, as shown in the following figure:

Extension process

Unit Test

We use Jest for unit testing, combined with the mock capability implemented in @opensumi/di to simulate and test the execution environment.

You can test the code of a module (the following code test module is debug, that is, the debug directory in the packages directory) by using the following command.

yarn run test:module -- --module=debug

You can also debug breakpoints on test files currently activated by the editor, using the Jest Current File command in the debug panel.

Code Specification

When running yarn run lint, you can directly retrieve the overall code specification. Meanwhile when the code is committed, corresponding code formatting checks will be triggered.

PR Rules

Each commit should be as small as possible, and you need to fill in your commit information in accordance with ng4's submission specifications.

For example, when you fix the variable acquisition problem of the debug module, the submission information can be as follows:

fix: fix variable acquisition under the debug panel

For PR content, just follow the PR and fill in the template.

Extension Process Debugging

If you want to debug the extension process under the OpenSumi framework, you can link your local extension process to the {root path}/tools/extensions directory in the form of soft link, for example:

ln -s {local_path}/{extension_name} {root path}/tools/extensions/{extension_name}

You can quickly preview the effect by refreshing the page.


For common spelling issues, We recommend that you install Code Spell Checker plug-in under VSCode or an IDE built on OpenSumi, to avoid English spelling mistakes.


We appreciate receiving suggestions and feature requirements for the OpenSumi framework. Welcome to submit and elaborate on Issues.